Hard core train travel to Hanoi


Published: September 23rd 2017

Edit Blog Post i was to pickup out train tickets from a certain window at Bejing train station that is hige Ileft susie with the luggage to find the window after going down 3 flights of steps i go to window one the lady points to window 5 so I go there give him a conf number show him my passport he gives me one ticket He says he needs wife passport too so I run. Ack up the steps and a 1/8 miile ger her passport go back and get her ticket.We make it on the train the compartment next to us and 1/2 of our compartment belows to a chinese family grand parents brothers a daughter and 2 grand daughters the little girl 5 kept entertaining us and soon all the kids in the carriage were surrounding us playing peek aboo. The little girl 5 sang the 3 little monkeys song and showed us her ballet skiills and pretnding to play her piano too. Her mom 34 started singing hey jude and we had a sung along so was fun There was another American on the train he hsd come by train in 50 days across Rissia and China. Hes 67 and really hard core traveler we wore sameclothes for 3 days and the train food was bad so I lived on fruit roll ups from homr and Susie ate dried fruit and nuts. The scenery of China wsd lots of farms and these steep tall mountains that you have too see in pics to understand them At the border of China we had to get off with our luggage at 1010 p thru customs, than at 1225 am got off again with luggage to go thru Vietnam immigration and sck on train no sleep that night. it was very dark no well lite and rough terrain to walk on quire wierd experience.


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Source: Hard core train travel to Hanoi


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