Here's Why You Should Not Quit Your Job To Travel The World, No Matter How Cool It Seems

There's been way too many examples of people leaving their jobs to travel the world and much has been said about their journeys and the glory they found along the road. What no one really talks about is what happens a little further down the road. 

After the initial exhilaration of being on the road, reality returns to bite you really hard! In an economy like India's, a gap to travel is still frowned upon by several prospective employees. So, when you return to apply for a regular job, if at all you do, you are met with knitted brows and with judgements of a "far too casual" attitude. 

Travel blogger Akanksha Dureja says, "It is very hard to explain/justify the break for traveling if you ever want to go back to corporate. Even if you somehow convince them, there will always be a doubt that you might again take off, leaving behind the projects you are working in jeopardy. You might not be taken seriously and not given important responsibilities."

Travel bloggers in India say that by the end of the first six months, you are too broke to be on the road anymore

On the road


"People can always quit their jobs to follow their passion," shares solo travel expert, Swati Jain. "They need to understand that having a back up plan is important. Reading posts from random travellers and getting influenced to immediately quit without any plans to join the 'quit job to travel' club, is the way to regret later. No back ups, no plans will eventually leave you in soup."

Alka Kaushik, one of India's leading travel bloggers and the co-founder of Travel Correspondent and Blogger's Group in India, warns against falling for the glamour associated with travel writing. "Travelling is an expensive habit, even if you consider backpacking or budget travel. The truth is that most people making these claims are doing part-time jobs, entrepreneurs or are dependent on their parents or spouse. There are also several who undertake one international travel in six months and get their 'highly sensationalised' stories published in one or two magazines before returning to the grind of corporate life. Their stories are highly popular on "how they kicked a corporate job to travel the world".

Not everyone manages to realise this in time or finds it easy to get back to a job

Budget travel


Archana Singh, who runs Travel See Write, says, "I took a sabbatical (did not quit) from corporate life in November 2014 to try my hand at travel by joining a travel startup only to find out that grass is not always greener on the other side."

"It came as a rude shock to me that pursuing my passion for travel was easier when I worked in a corpoarte than working for a travel company. I was confined to four walls doing paperwork through 6-7 days. Thankfully I realised it in time. However, in my absence the role in my earlier organisation was filled up. Thankfully an opening came in South East Asia else I would have become dhobi ka kutta," she says. 

It is easy to forget that travelling as a job is very different from a vacation

Not on vacation


Shubham Mansingka, who runs a blog called A Boy Who Travels, reflects, "The road is long and hard and doesn't always work out if you don't have a fallback option. Bills have to be paid at the end of the month. Depression can easily set in."

There is always the reality check that one needs to go through, that you are not cut out to live off the road. Shubhajit Chakraborty comments, "First think, and the most important thing is to know whether you can continue travelling. Sometimes, after a couple of months, the heart is so desperate to reach the familiar atmosphere, the old food, friends, you suddenly feel terrible homesickness for those shits that you left at the first place."

It is incorrect to say that there is no turning back from the road but yes, that road leading back to the non-travel world is a thorny one. "It is important for create an alternative resource of earning whether it is a part time, freelancing, language teaching, or even day trading to earn your basic daily food and stay," Chakraborty says. "If you have a good education background and are young, you can take a chance. If you are highly experienced and have worked for say 10 years straight, you can take a chance to take a break for a year, and travel."

After all this, no one tells you how little you can expect for your memories

Travel writing


Travel writing, one of the key modes of earning while on the road, is a poorly paid avenue in India. Plagiarism is rampant, payments are almost always delayed! One of the biggest reasons of returning to base is that corporates owe you money and you need to go get it. Without a financial backup, travel becomes a serious challenge. 

Rocky and Mayur, who have made history of sorts with their food show, Highway On My Plate, had commented about the toll that eating all kinds of food takes on their health and psyche. 

Trust me, head for the road only if you are sure you have the stomach for it. 

Source: Here's Why You Should Not Quit Your Job To Travel The World, No Matter How Cool It Seems


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