Love is in the air for rare lemur heading from Tokyo to British Isles

Tokyo's Ueno Zoo is sending an endangered lemur on an extended romantic vacation to the British Isles.

Ala, a female aye-aye, will spend her "extended break" at a facility where it is hoped she will enjoy a fling with a male of the species.

The loan for breeding purposes is intended to preserve the genetic diversity of the primate, which is native to Madagascar.

"We hope that Ala gives birth to healthy babies and will deliver happy news to us," a Ueno Zoological Gardens official said.

Ala is set to leave Japan on Sept. 10 after Ueno Zoo clinched a deal with the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, based in Jersey, an island in the English Channel.

The aye-aye is a small, nocturnal primate found only in the rainforest of Madagascar. It is about 40 centimeters long and has a long tail and big ears.

The species faces a high risk of extinction because of deforestation.

According to Ueno Zoo, 51 aye-ayes were being kept at facilities worldwide as of August.

Ueno Zoo is the only rearing facility in Asia which has successfully bred aye-ayes--with seven successful pregnancies. The zoo currently keeps four male and five female aye-ayes.

Ala was born at Ueno Zoo and is a shade over 6 years old.

Source: Love is in the air for rare lemur heading from Tokyo to British Isles


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